Thursday 27 February 2014

Intellectual Dating

What do you really look for in a lifelong partner and the potential mother or father of your children? Do you look for someone who constantly watches reality TV or reads the latest gossip mags or sports pages and has little cultural knowledge? Does your potential mate start every sentence with "Like . . ."? Will you find your dream lover in a drunken late-night fancy at the local meat market (aka night club), and will he or she have the substance you will crave for later in life when youthful looks disappear?

Or are you looking for something more meaningful—someone with substance to challenge you? A person who loves to learn, loves an intellectual challenge, and continually betters him or herself? It is known that people who score better on IQ tests have better careers, are less likely to be involved in crime, and have a more stable family life. It has also been proven that genetics plays an important part in a child's overall intelligence. If both parents are packing where it counts, this almost guarantees that their children will perform well academically throughout their life.

So where do you find intelligent singles? The usual clichéd replies are “libraries,” “bookstores,” and maybe “your local coffeehouse”—Starbucks, anybody?  But the chances of picking someone up in a library are slim to none; people are there to work, free of disruptions. The inconvenience of having to whisper does not help your chances. Also, do you really want to come across like that creepy stalker by trying? There has to be an easier way of meeting that special, smart person without the frustrations.

You will also find that many intelligent people are introverts, and dating is always a bit of a challenge for them. Sometimes they are shy when people approach them or they approach others. If a bright person is not with a close circle of friends, he or she can sometimes appear unapproachable. There are a lot of geniuses who struggle with social skills and have pursued other endeavours instead such as science or medicine, for example. They may not be able to read social clues as well as other people might, or they may even inadvertently offend or annoy others without being aware of what they are doing. (Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory comes to mind here.)

So where can intelligent people go to find a compatible mate? A new niche website is now catering to those very needs. is a dating website designed specifically for intelligent singles. The website offers an optional IQ test that members can take anytime they like. This test sorts members into three IQ bands. The first band is Bronze, which is the default band and represents an IQ of less than 110—about average intelligence. The second band is Silver; this is for an IQ score between 110 and 130, or approximately the top 20 percent of the population. And then there is the Gold band for IQs over 130; this represents approximately 2 percent of the total population.

Once you join IQ Catch, you can browse other members’ IQ bands and maybe contact singles who interest you. There are other websites out there that claim their members are brainiacs, but they all have one thing in common: You have to take the members at their word. Such sites have no built-in verification, such as an IQ test, to prove anyone’s intelligence. For all you know, many members might be playing the field and gloating to their friends.

So why not give IQ Catch a try today, you might be pleasantly surprised of finding someone that you can connect with on an intellectual level.

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